How to Keep Cats Off Property

How to Keep Cats On Property

Loud Vocalization

Yowling can be a sign of:

  • Senility in older cats
  • A breed trait (like Siamese cats being more vocal)
  • Boredom
  • Daytime meows and howls could be a sign of pain
  • Attention seeking behavior


Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Visit your vet to rule out any medical or anxiety related concerns
  • Invest in enrichment time and activities for your cat to eliminate boredom
  • Change the way you react to the vocalization- sometimes it could be to make you react!


Scratching can be a sign of:

  • Marking a cats territory
  • Not getting enough exercise/enrichment

Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Redirect the behavior by providing scratching posts and toys- try sprinkling these items with cat nip to get them interested.
  • Help your cat get enough exercise through play and enrichment activities.


Chewing can be a sign of:

  • Boredom
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Teething in kittens
  • Having been weaned too young
  • Simply because it’s fun/the texture is nice

Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Again, enrichment and exercise are the best ways to work through naughty behavior
  • If combined with being underweight, please consult a veterinarian ASAP
  • Provide safe and enjoyable alternatives to chew on to re-direct the behavior. Cardboard makes for a fun texture for our feline friends to chomp on!

Urinary Problems

Pee Problems can be a sign of:

  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Bladder Stones
  • Stress
  • Tumors
  • Conflicts between household pets
  • Change in environment

Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Visit your veterinarian to explore medical causes that are leading to this behavior. Most likely your cat is experiencing a health concern that should be addressed.
  • Stress can cause urinary issues- medication can be a big help, stress reduction hormones like Feliway or removing stressors by confining cats to limited and safe spaces while navigating a new dynamic can help.

Litter Box Issues

Litter box issues can be a sign of:

  • A health concern
  • A texture or litter issues
  • Fear of something around the litter box
  • A change in environment
  • An aversion to the type of litter you are using
  • Foot pain

Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Visit a vet to check for any medical concerns
  • Ensure that the litter box is clean
  • Add another litter box to your household and try a different style of litter. A good rule for # of litter boxes is # of cats + 1 box
  • Try to remove any stressors inside the house that could be aiding in bathroom anxiety for your cat.

Aggressive Behavior

Aggression can be a sign of:

  • Significant stress or change to their environment
  • Pain or medical issues
  • Severe anxiety
  • Undersocialization

Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Visit your veterinarian to rule out any medical cause for the behavior
  • Remove any new stressors to your environment
  • Try to reduce stress through: pheromones, supplements, medications and special diets to help change the behavior
  • Introduce productive play in order to channel some aggression appropriately

Cats that keep you up

This might be normal behavior!

  • Cats have different sleep and activity schedules than us and much prefer napping for periods of time and then waking up with a burst of energy.
  • Extra loud behavior can be signs of boredom or loneliness or it could just be self entertainment!

Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Make sure there are plenty of quiet toys available- pick up all the loud and jingly toys around the house at night but make sure they have some activity to keep them occupied.
  • Make sure they are getting plenty of stimulation and exercise during the day. Having a playtime session before bed can be helpful.
  • Consider getting a companion for your cat to hang out with.

Scaredy Cats

Fear/ Hiding/ Scared behavior can be:

  • A normal behavior for self preservation. This is a natural instinct and only time and patience can help
  • A sign of a health concern if the behavior is sudden and new
  • A sign of a stressful change in environment if there are things happening around the house like moving or adding a new pet

Ways you can help this behavior:

  • Respect your cats space and give them time
  • Provide safe, enclosed spaces that allow your cat to hide
  • Give them safe areas to hide in any room they like to be around. A cardboard box in the living room with a blanket in it is perfect
  • With time, patience, and consistency your cat will gain confidence 

Products that can help!

Feliway and Comfort Zone Plug In

Pheromone sprays and plug in diffusers can help a lot to relieve stress and tension in households. These products have helped many cats in different situations find the relief to make a difference.

Cat Trees and Perches

Any product that gives your cat an appropriate place to scratch, climb and perch on top of (to get out of the action and have a safe view of the area) can help make a big difference.

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