It is important for you to understand that the risk of injury or death, although extremely low, is always present just as it is for human beings who undergo anesthesia and surgery. There are real or inherent dangers and side effects associated with all medical procedures, use of anesthetic agents, and administration of drugs, vaccines, and other animal health related products. 

Your pet will be undergoing sterilization surgery, which, under most circumstances involves a Class 1 Anesthesia Risk as determined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists. This category carries the lowest risk and applies to healthy animals under the age of five (5) years that are free from any disease. 

  • The expected complication rate is 0.01%, meaning 1 in 10,000 animals will develop a complication from the anesthesia. The rate of death is 0.001%, meaning that 1 in 100,000 animals will die from the anesthesia. Of course, these rates will be higher in animals with known or unknown medical problems. 
  • The West Valley Humane Society Clinic employs qualified staff that utilize current and widely accepted anesthetic drugs, surgical monitors and surgical techniques to help ensure your pet’s safetyWe will not lower our high standards of quality veterinary care for any reason. 

The following is a list of risks and complications associated with Class 1 anesthesia, sterilization surgery, and outpatient hospitalization: 

  • Injury
  • Disease
  • Drug/Vaccine Reaction
  • Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest
  • Death
  • Hemorrhage
  • Bruising/Inflammation/Swelling
  • Suture Reaction
  • Seroma/Hematoma Formation
  • Infection
  • Suture Failure
  • Complete Failure of the Incision
  • Uterine Stump Infection or Pyometra
  • Incomplete Removal of the Ovaries 
  • Suturing or Ligation of a Ureter 
  • Urinary Incontinence 
  • Laceration of an Abdominal Organ
  • Foreign Body Left in the Abdomen 

I am encouraged to discuss any concerns that I have regarding the information presented above with the West Valley Humane Society Clinic staff before my pet is admitted for surgery. My signature on the Anesthesia and Surgical Consent Form indicates that I have read, discussed as necessary, and understand the possible risks and complications that may arise.

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