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Animal Control


Local Services

West Valley Humane Society does not have Animal Control authority and operates as a holding space for animals picked up by Animal Control. To find out who to contact for Animal Control services in your area check below.


Canyon County

For residents residing outside the city limits of Nampa or Caldwell, please contact Canyon County Animal Control for assistance through Caldwell Police Dispatch: 208-454-7531.


City of Nampa

The Nampa Police Department oversees animal control services within Nampa’s incorporated city limits. Please contact Nampa Police Dispatch for assistance:  (208) 465-2257.


City of Caldwell

The Caldwell Police Department oversees animal control services within Caldwell incorporated city limits.

Call for assistance daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: 208-454-7531.


After-hours – patrol officers will respond for vicious or injured animals and for animals causing a noise disturbance or traffic problem: 208-454-7531

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